Primayer | Enigma3hyQ remote correlating noise logger & hydrophone
Published on by Catherine Harris for Ovarro formerly Primayer
Market leading remote correlating noise logger for large diameter and plastic pipes
Enigma3hyQ is a variant of the Enigma3m multi-point noise correlation system utilising 3G/ GPRS communications. Enigma3hyQ has been optimised for leak location over longer distances, on large diameter pipes and plastic pipes in water distribution networks. It is deployed in underground chambers and requires no costly above ground technology.
Pipeline monitoring
The Enigma3hyQ correlating loggers transmit daily leak noise data to our server via the 3G or GPRS communication networks. Correlation is performed from many loggers to accurately locate leak positions. The user has the opportunity to listen to the recorded noise thus helping to confirm correlation results are due to leak noise. To enable accurate correlations a daily logger time synchronisation is carried out by a new technology.
Leak location results
PrimeWeb provides a database and on-line viewing facility for network flow, pressure and leak alarms from XiLog+ data loggers, Phocus3/3m noise loggers and Enigma3m /3hyQ correlating noise loggers. It is accessible on any device with internet access. Logger positions can be shown on Google Maps* and coded to show leak alarms. Historical data is also available. Indication of leak positions on Google Maps* together with ‘street view’ visualisation of the leak position aids management for leakage teams. British patent number 2555053
Key Features
- Correlation processing for accurate leak pinpointing
- High sensitivity hydrophone
- Powerful Adaptive Filter for optimum leak location performance
- Daily transmission for improved efficiency and reduced leak run time
- Simple installation – no above ground radio repeaters required
- Data available at any location via PrimeWeb
- Logger powered for 5 years (dependent upon 3G/GPRS signal conditions)
- Logger submersible to IP68
- Water
- Leakage