Pecten Aquatic

Pecten Aquatic


Pecten Aquatic aims to safeguard the aquatic environment from industrial impacts. It does so by assisting large-scale surface water users both in their mitigation of environmental impacts on daily operations and in complying with permit requirements and where practicable going beyond simple compliance to achieve the least possible impact on the aquatic environment while maintaining a safe, reliable and commercially robust operation. Pecten Aquatic assists legislative/permitting authorities by providing objective insights for framing effective and realistic regulatory requirements.

Service topics are ingress of fish, jellyfish and debris, fish passage, turbine mortality, fish deterrence, monitoring and mitigation of biofouling, water treatment, cooling water discharge impacts, site reviews and operational trouble shooting associated with fish/debris/biofouling, intake design review.

Apart from the consultancy services, Pecten Aquatic is an active contributor to (inter)national expert groups, organizer and moderator of conference sessions and member of task-force groups to provide 3rd party guidance in projects.

Pecten Aquatic provides its services to owners and operators of thermal and hydropower stations, industrial water users (LNG, desal, LNG, etc), pumping stations, legislative and permitting water authorities and as well engineering and consultancy firms that require expert input in their projects and initiatives.
