Polygone Systems

Polygone Systems


Launched in May 2021, PolyGone began as a research component of Nathaniel Banks & Yidian Liu’s joint Architectural thesis at Princeton University. As part of their research, the pair analyzed the dysfunctional plastic recycling industry and were shocked to learn about the millions of tons of plastic that leaches into the world's rivers and oceans each year. Their thesis research ultimately proposed the development of novel infrastructure for the collection and recycling of aquatic plastic waste.

In particular, the pair noted a worrying lack of infrastructure and protocols for removing microplastics from aquatic environments. They decided to focus on developing new technologies for the entrapment and upcycling of microplastic pollutants to establish a circular plastic economy. Our team's first prototype technology aims to be the world's first portable, affordable, and low-maintenance microplastic collection device.

Much of PolyGone’s current team shares roots in Princeton University, but come from varied professional backgrounds and passions. PolyGone closely collaborates with non-profit organizations in the tri-state area, and believes assembling a diverse team is vital to addressing environmental degradation and injustice.

