Rachio App

Published on by for Rachio

Rachio App

remote.jpgTo start, easily replace any traditional controller in under 30 minutes. Then, connect to your Wi-Fi and the controller begins managing all your yard’s zones - when, where and how to water. 

Download the iOS or Android app and you’re ready to set up, monitor and adjust your sprinkler system from anywhere at anytime. No more running to the garage, basement or side yard to control your sprinklers.

In an easy step-by-step process, tell us about your plants, soil, sprinklers, sun exposure and more for each zone of your yard. Rachio will automatically calculate watering cycles to deliver just the right amount of water while minimizing runoff. 

In an easy step-by-step process, tell us about your plants, soil, sprinklers, sun exposure and more for each zone of your yard. Rachio will automatically calculate watering cycles to deliver just the right amount of water while minimizing runoff. 

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