Reproductive Advocate Health Education-Ghana


We need a Donor/ International Development Organization looking for an NGO to Partner with in your next development project or would like to join an NGO in Ghana?

We are looking for Project Donors for Project Partnership and networking. check


RAHE GHANA  is looking for Donor Partnership in the following.
Health Care, Water - Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Education, Agriculture, Environmental Management and Energy conservation, Housing and Settlement, HIV/Aids, Information, Micro-finance and Management, Humanitarian Relief, Youth and Women Empowerment , Social and Cultural Programs -Peace Building, Volunteerism, Population and Reproductive health and welfare. RAHE GHANA works with the poorest of the poor marginalized, isolated rural communities Central Region of Ghana to identify and solve core problems.

RAHE GHANA could not do all the programs without the participation and support of other Partners and Supporters, Non-Profit, Fundraising, and Corporate Partners. We need more Partners to join in the effort to support the organization projects and to support the educational needs of each child by sharing knowledge, raising money and heightening awareness.

Corporate Sponsors: Joining Our Corporate Sponsors is easy by just giving money to the RAHE GHANA via Charity means, written request or grant application. There are different levels in which you can become a Corporate Sponsor. The primary mission of having a Corporate Sponsor is to have certain programs supported or for our general operations (i.e., Development fund, water supply, electricity, orphan’s sponsorship, Health care fund etc.)

Fundraising Partners: Our fundraising partners raise money for the RAHE GHANA. The primary mission of all fundraising partner organizations is to ensure that all our programs are completed and supported successfully.

God Fathering Support: There will unfortunately be orphaned children till the end of times. The orphans who are left alone due to the death of their parents cannot afford any kind of support for themselves. We need money for them so that their precious lives are able to reach their potential. Food, clothing, shelter and education should not be a luxury but a necessity. Your money will aide each child in these basic needs and will guarantee that no child will ever be turned away.

Participating in the God fathering/ Sponsor Orphan Education Program is a way to ensure that orphaned and impoverished children will always be guaranteed an education. A $1,200.00 annual contribution - continued throughout the course of that child’s educational pursuits - will be enough to pay for tuition, fees, uniforms, and books for one child. A portion of your contribution will go towards health care, food and clothing. 


