rqmicro.COUNT | rqmicro - make water safe

Published on by for rqmicro AG

rqmicro.COUNT | rqmicro - make water safe

The rqmicro.​COUNT combined ​with the ​rqmicro reagent ​kits provides a ​complete ​solution for ​sample ​purification ​and quantification.​ The instrument ​automatically ​isolates cells ​by immunomagnetic ​separation and ​delivers a ​direct count of ​intact target ​cells (e.g. ​Legionella). ​Because of its ​compact and ​robust design, ​the rqmicro.​COUNT enables ​our customers ​to analyse ​water samples ​in their own ​facilities.​

The rqmicro.​COUNT supports ​critical water ​management ​decisions with ​reliable and ​accurate ​digital data ​almost in real-​time. That ​allows ​customers to ​move away from ​biased and slow ​results to ​quantitative ​data to make ​water safe.​


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