Samudra Environmental Consulting

Samudra Environmental Consulting



Samudra (means ocean) is an environmental consulting company based on the west coast of Canada. We specialize in environmental consulting and water quality management, especially harmful algae, and jellyfish species. Our phytoplankton and zooplankton experts offer fast, reliable analysis, whether keeping an eye on the plankton year-round or providing a one-time sample analysis. We have been setting-up and running plankton monitoring programs for over 20 years. With a proven track record with aquaculture companies around the world, federal and provincial government bodies, research institutes, and international companies. We know that timing is critical. We can identify plankton species quickly, so that our clients can get the information they need as fast as possible. As well as offering plankton and jellyfish monitoring and analysis services, we offer online and on-site training in phytoplankton and jellyfish sampling, sample analysis, and identification. We help design and implement plankton management programs for variety of organizations including aquaculture companies and other interested groups around the world. Along with the above services, we help design and implement mitigation systems for plankton, jellyfish, and other water quality related issues

