Vadose Zone Hydrology Technology by Sensoil

Published on by for Sensoil Innovations Ltd.

Vadose Zone Hydrology Technology by Sensoil

Proactive Decision-Making for Groundwater Protection
At the core of Sensoil's proven solution lies the Vadose-zone Monitoring System™ (VMS), which unlocks unprecedented potential for pre-emptive groundwater contamination prevention.
Equipped with sampling units and advanced real-time data collection instrumentation, VMS provides critical hydrological and chemical information, on water percolation velocities and contamination migration fluxes in the unsaturated zone. 
Sensoil’s samples, data and analyses offer unparalleled insights into potential contamination processes in the subsurface above the aquifer, before they occur. 

Harnessing the Power of VMS Data Analysis 
Sensoil's VMS goes beyond conventional monitoring systems by placing utmost importance on data analysis. The ability to access and interpret VMS data through the cloud-based application equips stakeholders with powerful decision-making tools. This allows for early detection, effective mitigation strategies, and timely interventions, empowering industries and regulatory bodies to implement preventive measures before contamination poses a threat to aquifer quality. 
Sensoil’s VMS is implemented in diverse applications including: Groundwater Research, Management and Protection; Agritech; Earthen Dam Safety; Land and PFAS Remediation and Smart Mining

Recognized as an "Early-Warning" Tool 
VMS is recommended by government and regulatory agencies worldwide. Over 150 systems have been installed spanning five continents. Research institutions; national water bodies; industrial corporations; engineering companies and governments rely on Sensoil's robust technology. 


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