Ion Exchange Wastewater Treatment & Recycling Systems

Published on by for Solutions Recovery International

Ion Exchange Wastewater Treatment & Recycling Systems

Among wastewater treatment, recycling and recovery technologies, our unique design for Ion Exchange Systems is the only technology that can yield close to 98% recovery of the rinses. Other technologies, such as RO or standard Ion Exchange Systems can recover a maximum of 85% to 90% and produces 10% to 15% reject on a continuous basis in the RO case that would require separate treatment.

Ion Exchange Technology also produces waste in the form of regeneration once the resin capacity is exhausted. However, our unique design minimizes the volume of the regeneration waste to approximately 2% of the total flow. Depending upon design capacity, this regeneration can take place once a day or once a week, which allows the operators to batch treat the regeneration waste accordingly. In the case of “Zero Discharge”, the regeneration waste is evaporated, and solids are hauled off-site for reclamation of metals. To achieve a Sludge-less process, electro-winning combined with the Nanofiltration system is employed.

SRI builds Ion Exchange Systems for Printed Circuit Boards, Plating, and Semiconductor industries, where water quality is important. Our standard sizes are designed for 10, 30, 50, 75, 100, and 200 gallons per minute.

Call us for obtaining a quotation on our Ion Exchange Systems.


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