
Published on by for SUPRA International Indonesia







SUPRA has spent many years succeeding in the harshest and most complicated water well drilling projects in Indonesia, these experiences have made us determined to learn, improve and develop better solutions to our challenges.


The well we drill today is our reputation tomorrow

The skill of drilling and providing water is a talent available only to some. A drilling operation can seem to be an endless, dirty monotony of watching a drill pipe rotate round and round, interspersed with bouts of effort to lift repeatedly pipe after pipe from a hole. However, a skilled driller is forever analysing the rumbles, rattles, surges and gurgles and trying to work out what in the earth is happening.


Drilling methods and techniques take years to master and require a perfect balance of skill and competencies to be successful. Most skills needed to be a successful driller are based on both empirical combined with literature knowledge.

Water Well Drilling at Its Finest

SUPRA as a leading nationwide water well drilling operator, working everywhere from Aceh to Nusa Tenggara Timur, We are providing state of the art services and partnering with our clients on managing the complexity, cost, and risk of water resources and supply to improve the competitiveness of our client business.



