Highest quality uPVC Casing Pipe for Borewell - Vinyl Tubes

Published on by for Vinyl Tubes Private Limited India

Highest quality uPVC Casing Pipe for Borewell - Vinyl Tubes

Highest Quality uPVC Well Casing and Screen Pipes for Water Well Construction

Casing Pipes & Screen Pipes are used for Bore Hole / Bore Well application. It prevents the earth to fill the Bore well and the Screen allows the water to percolate in the well which can be pumped with the pump.

Vinyl uPVC Casing & Screen Pipes has a higher density than water that provides a clear advantage in good construction. Its yield stress of 55Nlimm is comparatively high. The modulus of elasticity is also high enough to achieve excellent stiffness in pipes preventing undesired deformation of the pipe.



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