Youth Initiative for Peace and Development

Youth Initiative for Peace and Development


The mission of the “Youth Initiative for Development and Peace” is to create an atmosphere of reason and dialogue among youth and other sections of society in the region to help in finding peaceful and just solutions of issues and conflicts and to work for social change by fighting against threats faced by humanity in South Asia.

Through meetings, conferences, workshops, dialogues, seminars, and projects that bring together students, youth, scholars, teachers, and individuals experienced in different areas of social life, YIDP focuses on those problems that lie at the junction of three Ps i.e. peace, progress and prosperity. 
In addition to promote a culture of peace and understanding, “YIDP” objectives also include different campaigns against the agendas of hatred, exploitation, bigotry and animosity in the region.

The “YIDP” agenda also extends to find ways of alleviating the conditions of economic disparity, exploitation of regional manpower, social injustice, environmental deterioration, rights violation and unequal access to resources.
