Survival Water Purification Systems Guide

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Survival Water Purification Systems Guide

Explanation ofDifferent Types of Survival Water Filtration Systems that Are Available as Well as the Pros and Cons of Each of Them

Water Purification Systems for Survival

There are several kinds ofsurvival water systemsavailable. Some of them are very sophisticated. Others are very simple and easy to use. In this article, we are going to look at the different kinds of systems you can buy. However, you can make your own purification systems from common objects. These may not be as effective, but we recommend that people who are interested in preparedness learn about this option.

What You Need from an Emergency Water Purification System

In our opinion in an emergency, you need access to a system that is easy to use, provides truly pure water and will not let you down. The best survival water filter is one that works every time and filters out everything. That includes heavy metals, bacteria, viruses and other contaminants such as fertilizers.

Not all survival water filters do this. Some only filter out solids. Here is an overview of the different types along with an explanation of what each of them does.

Simple Filtration Systems

Some systems act simply as a sieve. They pass the water through a series of filters filled with products like sand or charcoal. The contaminants are trapped in the sand or charcoal. The water passes through the filtration medium and is cleansed.

These water systems are extremely effective. However, you do need to know what you are buying. Some systems only filter out physical contaminants like feces, but still let the harmful bacteria pass through the system. The water looks good, but is not really safe to drink.

A Filtration System That Deals with all Contaminants

You really need a filtration system that deals with the full range of contaminants. This is particularly if you are going to use it for water during a emergency.

If the urban water system is down you are going to have to get your water from other sources. That means rivers and streams. To purify this water and render it safe to drink you need a good filtration system.
Look for a brand that gets rid of pesticides, herbicides, diesel, oil, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, bacterium and viruses.

Electric Water Filtration Systems

There are some great electric filtration systems available, but in an emergency, they are typically no good. The problem is that there is no power to run the pumps to pass the water through the filters. Therefore, no matter how good the filters are, the system is likely to be useless in an emergency.

Gravity Fed Emergency Water System

Instead, we recommend that you invest in a gravity fed system. There are no moving parts, so this system will not let you down or require repairs in a situation where access to parts will not be possible.

Chemical Filtration Systems

Some filtration systems use chemicals to deal with some of the contaminants. Again, in an emergency situation these are not ideal.

It will be hard, if not impossible, to get hold of the chemicals you need for the system to work. In addition, those systems that use chemicals only will not filter out solid contaminants. They are also not likely to deal with the full range of micro contaminants, for example heavy metals.

Distillation or Evaporation Systems

By heating water, it is possible to remove a huge range of contaminants from water. Most of these systems turn the water to steam. That steam is captured on a clean surface and collected to provide drinking water.

Again, these systems work well in certain situations, but in an emergency, they are not ideal. To work they need a power source or fuel to heat up the water. If the water is not hot enough the distillation process cannot take place.

In addition, they do not deal with every single contaminant. You will need to add chemicals to the resulting water. Even then, it could still contain heavy metals. Drinking that water could lead to long-term health issues. The water produced by these systems is OK for bathing and washing, but is not necessarily safe enough to drink.

Source: Best Berkey Water Filter

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