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Heavy metal water analyser - PANDa

KLEARIA revolutionizes the analysis of metal traces in water and offers tailor-made lab-on-chip solutions for industrial monitoring

Ensure full monitoring of your effluent with our unique technology with our PANDa : Portable Analyser Device.

Get results equivalent to accredited laboratory, free from standard lab cost, labor and time requirement.

⌚️ From 0 minute to 5 minutes preparation - basic seringue filtration
 30 minutes to 2 hours for results (down to 1 µg/l)
烙 Fully automated and IoT connected

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Heavy metal water analyser - PANDa

  1. 1. Rue Bernard Gregory 06560 Valbonne, France +33 4 93 95 78 57
  2. 2. The “Lab-on-a-chip”- LoC - is at the heart of the PANDa analyser. Using the very cutting edge technology on microfluidic, PANDa can offer new type of sensors, ultra sensitive and selective, and ultra small. Issued from the French research laboratory (CNRS) patented licence, our LoC is versatile and can be optimized for various applications, pollutants and water matrix. Reliable, Simple Fast & cost-effective PANDa, a fully automated field analyser for the monitoring of your process Applications Fast – Analyse & take action: Results in real time for quicker decision making Economy – Analyse & save: Less Opex, less maintenance costs & No training costs Simplicity – prepare & go: 100% automated & No specific skills, no training required Reliability – Inject & be sure: Exact results & Minimal error margin +/- 1 ppb (+/- 15%) Process water Natural / ground water Drinking water
  3. 3. Advantages Before the analysis… Just 2 minutes to fill the sample reservoir(s) … During the analysis the system works in autonomy… After the analysis… The system proceeds to an auto-clean. Quick Cycle: Result guaranted in 30 mins to act on a threshold e.g. <7 µg/l >13 µg/l Complete Cycle: Result in ~150 mins & Concentration value in µg/l Proof of Performance PANDa concentration Vs low spiked concentration with Arsenic in EVIAN (right) and VOLVIC (left) water Deviation < 1 ppb PANDa ICPMS conventional lab Contaminated site (Anonymous) Site 1 19.1 20.3 Site 2 82.5 85.4 Site 3 27 28.1 Bottled water (Anonymous) Sample 1 2.7 2.2 Sample 2 39.6 46.34 Sample 3 35.2 36.02 Sample 4 5.9 5.71 Sample 5 2.9 1.76
  4. 4. Our catalogue and development process State of the art Proof of Concept Lab sample Microfluidic Lab sample Microfluidic Real sample Analyser In the field The analyser works like a printer with a specific cartridge per analytic parameter. It can analyse 4 different samples with 3 replicates per sample in the same cycle ensuring a very high accuracy in the measurement. 3 to 6 months
  5. 5. Lab-on-a-Chip Innovate with microfluidics and monitor what matters, where it matters Perform laboratory preparation with lab-on-a-chip and combine the right detection module for the monitoring of your element of interest. Detection Module Cyclic voltammetry UV spectrometry Mass spectrometry Heavy metals Bromates Organics elements pesticides, drugs residues,... Mix, Add, Heat chemicals automatically with precision
