Superior quality of wastewater sludge dehydrator: ELODE , the world's first field-proven commercialized electro-osmosis dehydrator which treats all types of wastewater including municipal sewage, paper-mill wastewater, food wastewater, livestock wastewater, wastewater from dyeing, wastewater from painting, chemical wastewater, pit wastewater, etc. ELODE extracts both free and absorbed water from the sludge producing a final dehydrated product with a moisture content of less than 30~60% (i.e. greater than 40%~70% dry solids content) at 0.25kW/liter electric consumption only(Dryer=0.9~1.2kW/liter). This ensures maximum dehydration performance with minimum environmental impact. ELODE can be installed as a complete system or in addition to an existing sludge treatment system. for more information visiti: ; Send your enquiry for Sludge reduction to ;