SUSTAINABLE VERTICALITY PROJECT IN THE COMPANY CONSTRUFORT JB - Mossoró-RN / Brazil ABSTRACT Sustainability in business is concerned, cur...

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SUSTAINABLE VERTICALITY PROJECT IN THE COMPANY CONSTRUFORT JB - Mossoró-RN / Brazil ABSTRACT Sustainability in business is concerned, cur...
SUSTAINABLE VERTICALITY PROJECT IN THE COMPANY CONSTRUFORT JB - Mossoró-RN / Brazil ABSTRACT Sustainability in business is concerned, currently, with the prospect of visibility, growth and retention of businesses in the market. To make a sustainable business it is necessary to look for a new means of production, always seeking an improvement or a new way of producing (innovation) in harmony with the environment and socioeconomic aspects. In the municipality of Mossley-RN, most entrepreneurs in the construction sector uses in the manufacture of shackles, floors, tiles, railings, radies, among others, molds (or shapes) of metallic materials that are normally lubricated with pollutants minerals oils that can cause health problems for employees. Considering such situation, a Project was prepared involving the Company CONSTRUFORT JB and the University of Rio Grande do Norte - UERN through their organs to support entrepreneurship and innovation, the Center for Technology Incubation semiarid (CITECS / UERN) and the Center for Technological Innovation (NIT / UERN), whose goal is to provide sustainable and innovative routing to this problem. The project, which is being developed through a kind applied survey with qualitative and quantitative analysis and case study method approach, consists producing vegetable oil from Moringa Oleifera Lam, which is cultivated in company’s area, from a sustainability business perspective to ensure social, economic and environmental improvements. It is estimated that the initial cultivation result in 120 L / year oil production. Thus, it is expected that the company operates based on the search results and understand the business sustainability as a better path to tread. Preliminary results point to increased employee enthusiasm due to feel prestigious with their lectures and technical visits and realize the best aspect of the work environment. It is noticed, also, clearly, the CONSTRUFORT JB leadership commitment in aim to achieve the established indices and incorporate the verticality (participation of all) its corporate strategy. Keywords: Business Sustainability. Innovation. Verticality. Strategy.

