The Australian Productivity Commission’s Paper on National Water Reform The cornerstone of Australia’s recent water reform efforts i...

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The Australian Productivity Commission’s Paper on National Water Reform The cornerstone of Australia’s recent water reform efforts is the 2004 National Water Initiative (NWI). The NWI is an intergovernmental agreement between the Australian Government and all State and Territory Governments. The aims of the NWI — which built on the Council of Australian Government’s (COAG’s) 1994 Water Reform Framework — are to establish greater certainty for investment and the environment through clearly specified water access entitlements (perpetual water rights), addressing over‑allocated water systems and improving the economic efficiency and environmental sustainability of water management for both rural and urban water systems. The Productivity Commission has been asked to assess progress in achieving the objectives and outcomes of the NWI and the need for any future reform. You may download a copy of the Commission's Issues Paper at: close on 18 April.