How about ' Sludge treatment'? If you are interested in, Please visit for"> for world's unique & technology ELODE system. ELODE system is 1. No Competitor! in the World for Sludge Dewatering~ 2. 30%wt (70% ds) Guarantee! for most of WWTP sludge characteristics. 3. 0.25kWh/ liter water removed! ( Lowest Energy Consumption)! 4. 12months Recovery of Investment ( Faster ROI) 5. World Lowest Operating Expenditure! 6. World Lowest Capital Expenditure! It is very Simple Flow sheet combined with Beltpress/ Decanter/ Thickener/ Screwpress/ other mechanical machine+ELODE+ NVD(Natural Ventilation Dryer)--> Cakeout less 30% wt. Total Energy consumption less 150kWh/ system. Throughput: 1000~1200kg @18~ 20%ds, Daily 24hours full automation system with no need operator or worker. Now we are looking for a leading business partner who’s interested in “ Wastewater Sludge Dewatering, Sludge Reduction or Sludge renewable energy” Please keep in touch at your convenient time after the preview of our website. With best regards, Antonio KIM
- Sludge Treatment
- Sludge Management
- Sludge Drying
- Sludge Treatment & Management