The Organic matter, which is it? The ground is made up of several elements the air water the mineral and the organie. The organie holds of LIVIN...

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The Organic matter, which is it? The ground is made up of several elements the air water the mineral and the organie. The organie holds of LIVING and understands in its turn Two distinct Organic matters (the M.O). Of with dimensions M.O Vegetable origin, other the M.O Human origin, Animal,(body) including the food one prepared. At the beginning of their existence, these two M.O, with their death, are already programmed of a destruction/transformation for the regeneration of – ALIVE. Their Lives do not stop at the end of their existence as such but until an end of the process of their transformation. However they fork on the final objective. The vegetalized M.O must finish in diffuse pollution diluted in water for the rebirth of a plant. The human M.O must disappear as quickly as possible what is carried out by alive same originas it: charogneurs plus the bacteria. Nature leaves very a long time on the ground atree died in waiting of its disappearance; nature does not accept a long time a body on the ground. Even if the two types of M.O have a similar lifestyle, (water air food) their design involves aprocess of transformation that it is clean for them. Two essential factors intervene for their destruction. water, the temperature. The destruction of the vegetalized M.O passes by a transformation which is carried out inseveral phases more or less long before becoming 'humus' for finally disappearing completely, when on the contrary the M.O (body) follows a more or less fast phase until its disappearance. The vegetalized M.O passes by all the sestages: (dehumidification, drying, decomposition, then humus), composting (Without loss of the water content, fermentation,decomposition, humus). These two stages finish in diffuse pollution diluted in water) The M.O of human origin passes by only one stage: total and final destruction. Water and the temperature interfering permanently on the progression of the transformation, accelerating it or relentissant it. The normal transformation of the plant hard intime, the transformation of a body is limited intime. There exists another transformation specific toboth which is the putrefaction. Conclusion: The requirement is not to associate the two types of M.O existentes for a project agronomy or of any other vegetalized project because their mixture is toxic for the environment.