80 Percent of Global Wastewater Released Into Environment Untreated According to the United Nations (U.N.) new World Water Development Report re...

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80 Percent of Global Wastewater Released Into Environment Untreated According to the United Nations (U.N.) new World Water Development Report released in March 2017: “Continuing “business as usual” means allowing overwhelming neglect to worsen. It is estimated that well over 80 percent of wastewater worldwide (over 95 percent in some developing countries) is released to the environment without treatment. The consequences are alarming.”   http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/04/05/untreated-wastewater.aspx?utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art2&utm_campaign=20170405Z1_UCM&et_cid=DM140146&et_rid=1956487507