Upgrading existing Activated sludge for higher flows, better COD reduction and nitrification More and more activated sludge processes are requir...

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Upgrading existing Activated sludge for higher flows, better COD reduction and nitrification More and more activated sludge processes are requir...
Upgrading existing Activated sludge for higher flows, better COD reduction and nitrification

More and more activated sludge processes are requiring upgradation for higher flows and nitrification to achieve new stricter discharge standards for COD and Ammonia/TKN nitrogen. Using Levapor carriers, upgradation of activated sludge for the nitrification for both higher flows and nitrification without adding additional footprint, civil infrastructure in the existing utilities.

The benefits of Levapor based upgradation are:

1. No new civil infrastructure requirement
2. No changes in existing process flow sheet
3. Minimum down time and quicker process start up and upgradation

