Dear Beloved Contributors,  CAN YOU PLEASE BE A FAIR JUDGE?   I am bewildered by the attitude of anyone who is claiming that our civil...

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Dear Beloved Contributors,  CAN YOU PLEASE BE A FAIR JUDGE?   I am bewildered by the attitude of anyone who is claiming that our civil...
Dear Beloved Contributors,  CAN YOU PLEASE BE A FAIR JUDGE?   I am bewildered by the attitude of anyone who is claiming that our civilization is suffering from pure water shortage, and/or wastewater treatment.    Please, The Lord, right in front of everyone eyes, has established a very simple water desalination system, which is also valid for wastewater treatment. In this very simple system: At room temperature water is evaporated from the surface of the seas and oceans, next clouds transport this evaporated water to lands. Rain water is ultra pure water, which is filling all the rivers of the planet and availing pure water for the majority of all human beings.     Also, The Lord has availed special plants which are tolerant to highly saline water for wastewater treatment. The Lord did for you the whole work, all you have to do is to imitate your Heavenly Father, and you will be the winner?? Human beings are identified by childish stubbornness.      We are presenting to the worldwide community the best process to desalinate any saline water, which is Room Temperature Evaporation ( RTE). RTE is the only physical phenomenon which does not need any supply of external energy, the energy needed to separate (to evaporate) pure water from saline water is simply supplied from the bulk of saline water cooling it. We are providing complete description of this process on our website www. naturalseawaterdesalination . com (= manufacturer of desalination equipment). We did not patent our design, and we made sure our design is fully described publicly to forbid any patenting to avail this design to everyone free of charge due the extreme importance of such an equipment for the welfare of the complete humanity.       As our equipment operates at room temperature and pressure, then the materials of construction are less expensive and our final products are far less expensive than any of our competitors worldwide. Our simple equipment consumes < 2.5 kwh/m3, and cheaper than Chinese RO units.     Whether Reverse Osmosis, Electrodialysis Reversal, or any other similar process are suffering from complicated meaningless designs and expensive products. We are simply imitating the natural process of pure rain water formation, and this is the key of our success and leadership all the way.

