The Best Way to Circulate or Aerate is a Sunbubbler by PEC.All aeration simply introduces air into water. The goal is to dissolve the oxygen fro...

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The Best Way to Circulate or Aerate is a Sunbubbler by PEC.All aeration simply introduces air into water. The goal is to dissolve the oxygen fro...
The Best Way to Circulate or Aerate is a Sunbubbler by PEC.All aeration simply introduces air into water. The goal is to dissolve the oxygen from the air into the water. Using air, the maximum dissolved oxygen concentration in a million gallon pond is about 8 lbs... not very much! In fact, the energy required to mix that 8 lbs. of oxygen completely throughout any body of water is always far, far, far, less than the energy required to get the oxygen into the pond in the first place. That said, we can now talk about the energy needed by mechanical mixers, pumps, and splashers vs. bubbled air systems. Pumping one gallon of water, 1 foot into the air, takes up to 1000 times more energy than pumping one gallon of air into 1 foot of water. Even the most efficient mechanical aerators use double the energy needed by a fine bubbler to get the same typical results. Mechanical aerators efficiency (SAE) =1.9 kg/hr/kW vs. Fine bubbler aerator efficiency (SAE) =4.4 kg/hr/kW By far, fine air bubble diffuser aerator systems aerate water more efficiently and require less maintenance and energy than any other aeration system. Diffuser systems are a lot like air stones in an aquarium. They use an air compressor to pump air into the pond. The diffuser breaks the air into tiny bubbles which expand as they rise. The rising of the bubbles pushes water up (sometimes inside a tube called an airlift pump) and forms a current that lifts bottom water up to the surface resulting in even more aeration by surface renewal. Depending on airlift pumping flow and wave action, surface renewal alone with a blowing wind can increase oxygen transfer in any body of water by 15,000% ( 0.03-5.0 g/m2/hour ). Of course, this also means that when the wind is not blowing oxygen levels can decrease quickly to dangerously low levels. A real problem for fish if you only rely on for direct drive windmill aerators this summer! Bubblers are more efficient than splashers or fountains that use lots of power to lift air starved, stagnant, laminar water flows up into the air. Bubblers do a better job of mixing while using up to six times less power than splashers or fountains. In addition to instantly transferring oxygen as bubbles are formed, these same bubbles created by the bubbler diffuser burst violently at the surface discouraging mosquito and insect breeding while directing the floating algae, suspended solids, and detritus to the shorelines..... like no other device known. This unique self-contained solar powered bubble action makes us the first water aerator of choice for mosquito insect abatement, lagoon TSS control, dissolved oxygen control and deicing control .... worldwide. Only diffused air with its bubble driven turbulence mixes the entire water column with oxygen laden air while preventing stratification in the pond.
