ADEQ proposal to convert wastewater to drinking water moves forwardPHOENIX — The proposal to turn treated wastewater into drinking water, othe...

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ADEQ proposal to convert wastewater to drinking water moves forwardPHOENIX — The proposal to turn treated wastewater into drinking water, othe...
ADEQ proposal to convert wastewater to drinking water moves forward
PHOENIX — The proposal to turn treated wastewater into drinking water, otherwise known as Advanced Water Purification, is moving forward, according to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.

In early July, ADEQ announced the release of its draft rule, which is the operating rule that will apply to utilities that are considering Advanced Water Purification technology.

"This is a critical point for us as a state to have A.W.P. as an option for our utilities," said ADEQ Water Quality Division Deputy Director Randall Matas. "It certainly can be a large component of Arizona's water security portfolio and I think going into the future indeed will be a very important part."

There was also a blind survey conducted by ADEQ earlier this year asking 1,000 Arizonans about their views on A.W.P.

Most surveyed are concerned with the current and future water supply in our state and view A.W.P. as a viable option.

The survey also highlighted some concerns, including costs, and what ADEQ called "the yuck factor."

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