Feel free to download, share and quote this published paper in your write up and publish paper submission. Assessment of Eutrophication and Envi...

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Feel free to download, share and quote this published paper in your write up and publish paper submission. Assessment of Eutrophication and Environmental Impact in Lake Chad: Its Resuscitation and Development of a Lasting Management Strategy. The International Journal of the Constructed Environment, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp.51-62. Lake Chad was once the largest lake in the world; currently, it has shrunk to under 95% of its previous volume. Several attempts are being made by the Lake Chad Basin Commission (composed of Chad, Niger, Nigeria and Cameroun) to reverse the water loss and environmental degradation, but no tangible achievement has been made in this regard. This paper identifies environmental disturbances around Lake Chad and presents an unachievable management policy of Lake Chad. It also identifies the inadequacy of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) in implementing an appropriate policy to reverse lake dwelling water levels and environmental degradation being experienced in the Lake watershed region. Recommendations were made to adopt a standard policy similar to the EU Water Framework Directive in formulation, implementation and monitoring, which would be identical in all the member countries of the LCBC. The implication of this paper is to find a long lasting solution to the environmental disturbances and an achievable management policy for Lake Chad. Keywords: Lake Chad, Eutrophication, Nigeria, Chad, EU Water Framework Directive, Basin