Desalination with a new Nano Coagulant: I would like to introduce you our new technology for desalination and water treatment purposes through a...

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Desalination with a new Nano Coagulant: I would like to introduce you our new technology for desalination and water treatment purposes through an inorganic Nano coagulant, for the first time in the world. Our product has a national patent license. We successfully passed several laboratory tests and then some regional semi-industrial scale experiments with fabulous results. The Nano coagulant leads to a major remove/reduction of the water or wastewater TDS, TOC, Hardness, EC, color, metals same as Fe+, Mg+, through a physical conventional coagulation process within just less than a minute. The waste of this process is in sludge shape, reversible and environmentally which can be disposed to a defined site or to be trucked away for further hygienic, chemical or food industries reprocess, rather than importing to the sea (feed water source) as brine and causing environmental impacts.