Call For Articles On An Integrated Approach Towards Water Conservation & Resource Management - April 2019 Issue   Dear Industry Collea...

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Call For Articles On An Integrated Approach Towards Water Conservation & Resource Management - April 2019 Issue   Dear Industry Colleagues, Greetings from Water Today!I am working on the April 2019 issue and would like to invite you to contribute technical articles, case studies, research papers on “ An Integrated Approach Towards Water Conservation & Resource Management” and facilitate a comprehensive perspective on the same. Please find below the theme note and do let us know if you could send us your article.Theme Note - An Integrated Approach Towards Water Conservation & Resource Management – April 2019Water is an integral part of the large ecological system and a scarce national and natural resource. Considering its socio-economic significance, it must be planned, developed, conserved and managed on an integrated and environmentally sound basis. In addition, past failure to recognise the economic value of water has led to wasteful and environmentally damaging uses of the resource. For decades, feeding the world has been a top priority and the task is not getting any easier. It is estimated that over the next 40 years the world will need to double its food production to meet growing populations – set to increase by around 50% over the next 50 years. Agriculture already uses more water when compared to other human activity. This means efforts to increase food production will have to be undertaken with less water, especially as climate change will put our water resources under even greater stress.Water crisis continues to be one of the top risks with global impact due to the increase in water consumption to be caused by future economic growth and population increases. The complexity of water conservation & resource management, combined with increased uncertainty, both through socio-economic developments and climate change, makes the traditional command-and-control approach less effective. An adaptive approach towards water conservation & resource management responds to a continuous process of adjustment that attempts to deal with the increasingly rapid changes in our societies, economies, climate and technologies. Water development and management should be based on a participatory approach, involving users, planners and policy-makers at all levels.  Water conservation programs targeted at large users will play an integral role securing water supplies for cities in years to come. A methodical approach to water conservation - reducing consumption as a priority, then considering internal re-use of water and replacement of potable water with alternative sources - should be the key principle in sustainable water resource management. In order to achieve sustainable water resource management, the tasks of water supply and sewage disposal should be integrated and equal priority must be given. Our April issue will be focused on various approaches for water conservation & resource management. We would like to invite you to share your experiences in the form of articles, technical papers and case studies with our readers. Please inform us of your intent to contribute at the earliest, so that we can evaluate the articles for the publication. TopicAn Integrated Approach Towards Water Conservation & Resource ManagementLength2000-4000 wordsInclusionsRelated graphs, tables and images (high-resolution) along with captions + short bio of the author/s (including author’s present designation, educational qualification/s and years of experience in the field)Article DeadlineMarch  25, 2019You can also send in details about new product launches and press releases for inclusion in the magazine to Best regards 
