Unpowered Measured Irrigation Training Manual for Smallholders (User Manual)

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Unpowered Measured Irrigation Training Manual for Smallholders (User Manual)


Measured irrigation is a drip irrigation scheduling method that satisfies the following two conditions:

1. Variations in water usage throughout the year are controlled by the prevailing net evaporation rate (evaporation minus rainfall).

2. The volume of water emitted by each dripper during an irrigation event is controlled directly without the need to control the flow rate or the duration of the irrigation event.

It is assumed that the smallholder has already established a drip irrigation system (either pressurized or gravity feed) on a garden or a small plot of land. Provided that the drip irrigation system is already working effectively, you can automate the irrigation system for any size plot.

Your plants are irrigated automatically. Provided you have a continuous water supply, you can leave your garden unattended for weeks on end. This will allow you to become involved in other activities away from the garden; for example, traveling to the market to sell your product.

DSCN2732 small 8cm cropped.jpgHi-flow Unpowered Measured Irrigation Controller

Attached to this article you can find the full user manual to developing this technology at your home. 

