Eco-friendly technology improved feed water quality and attached a publication for your reference. . A simple modification in the feed water of ...

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Eco-friendly technology improved feed water quality and attached a publication for your reference. . A simple modification in the feed water of ...
Eco-friendly technology improved feed water quality and attached a publication for your reference. . A simple modification in the feed water of the sea/freshwater intake system is foolproof to avoid this problem soon. Just bore the seafloor/river bottom and extract the water will provide 100% of this biofouling free feed water. This has been scientifically proven through our publications and industrial-scale seawater reverse osmosis SWR plants. Adopting this technology enables the reduction of climate change impacts like carbon dioxide sequestration and global warming as these seawater/freshwaters to have microscopic planktonic forms that used to be killed by chlorination or other mechanical/chemical treatment in the process of purification. These planktonic forms involved photosynthesis produce oxygens and utilize carbon dioxide to prepare their food, and most of the fishery contributors larval forms also got saved by adopting this technology. Check this link

