We are happy to share our latest published blog on Smart Water Magazine, Spain, which is titled as - Solving the water crisis through Indian Vai...
Published on by Madhukar Swayambhu, Research Head at Vaidic Srijan
The key difference in the ideology of understanding Water, while all the treatments across the globe has been done consider Water as an H2O molecule, or a dead chemical substance, here it is considered a living ecosystem and a fundamental need for life. Based on various latest scientific researches of Viktor Schauberger, Marasu Emoto, Dr.Jacques Benveniste, Dr. Gerald Pollack and Dr. Luc Antoine Montagnier, when the understanding for water increases even for the modern science, the understanding remains the same.
Enjoy the short article on the following link - https://smartwatermagazine.com/blogs/madhukar-swayambhu/solving-water-crisis-through-indian-vaidic-science
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