IIT Roorkee Launches Competition to Design Advance Bio-toilet
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Technology
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee has launched a national competition to design a bio-toilet that would remove germs from human waste and recover resources such as energy, clean water, and nutrients.
This solution is expected to operate “off the grid” without connectivity to water, sewer, or electrical lines and cost less than Rs 5 per user per day.
An initiative under ‘Aviral Ganga 2.0,’ the 'Reinvent Bio-Toilet Challenge' will be an online case-study competition that aims to create a bio toilet. Source: Economic Times
This contest is intended to help rejuvenate the Ganges and is being taken up as part of Cognizance 2018, the annual tech festival of IIT Roorkee. An initiative under ‘Aviral Ganga 2.0,’ the 'Reinvent Bio-Toilet Challenge' will be an online case-study competition that aims to create a bio toilet.
Further, to aid the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) and perform extensive research of the river, Cognizance 2018 is also conducting a Quadcopter-based event for pollution monitoring. Participants have to build an innovative quad that should be efficient on all fronts and have considerable structural integrity. The winning models of both these events shall be forwarded to NMCG for implementation in their projects for cleaning Ganga.
Read full article: The Economic Times - India
- Wastewater Disposal
- Wastewater Treatment
- River Studies
- Sanitation & Hygiene
- Sanitation & Hygiene
- Portable Toilets & Waste Management
- Waste Management
- Sanitation and Hygiene
- Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
- India