Post COP 21- Agriculture sector and Farmers should hold the key and to position Farmers’ right as User’s right Over technology induced carbo...

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Post COP 21- Agriculture sector and Farmers should hold the key and to position Farmers’ right as User’s right Over technology induced carbon benefits . Series of COP meetings have deliberated-discussed and discoursed on climate change impacts and also mitigation and adaptation measures but one of the pillars of UNFCC i.e. Adaptation has received little attention thus making us to feel that the “Adaptation” is relegated to an “orphan status in comparison to mitigation. In this context, positioning of user’s right over technology induced carbon benefits becomes critical. Adaption of “Right Based Approach” if followed shall help the policy makers to address equity & equality principles In an era of climate change, the volume of carbon market and trading is increasing and the benefits are accruing to the so called “middle man” and not to the real “conserver of the greens” through various interventions like for example composting etc (predominantly the farming communities) which in reality negates the concept of “User Right over technology induced carbon benefits thus leading to the debate on ethics of poverty ameliorating tools and approaches. In COP meetings only reduction and compensatory mechanism are negotiated at large and less on Farmers’ rights and access to carbon sequestration benefits which needs to form a discussion point in climate change knowledge platforms especially in the backdrop of FAO s articulation on "carbon sequestration" which places importance in farmers contribution to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, enhance the soil's resilience and boost crop yields. The moot questions in favor of user’s right and collective action are a) who benefits from productivity increases, both directly by determining and b) who can reap the benefits of improvements in factor productivity. User’s right require proper understanding of roles-rules and relationship in an institutional landscape to back such claims. Interpreted as a bundle of rights including access to technology induced carbon benefits in an era of climate change and carbon trading . The concept of user rights must be understood as eentitlements from the right based perspective which can be defined either by cultural norms or through customary rights and is interpreted as a bundle of rights including access to technology induced carbon benefits in an era of climate change and carbon trading It is a process of institutional change, in which resource users themselves play an active role and the social entrepreneur who has been playing the role of a catalyst of change support and nurture collective and community action to ground the concept of user right as embedded in right based approaches-this will help resolve the issue of negative bias in user right over technology induced carbon benefits which is monopolized by “mitigation oriented” business related entrepreneurs. The bias needs to be corrected by making eligible for carbon benefits all the interventions undertaken for centuries by the farming community but denied payment per tonne of pollution removed from the atmosphere. Further there is need to examine the correlation between carbon sequestration and food security initiatives within the framework of Right Based Approach (RBA) A debate on inclusion of agriculture sector under the purview of carbon benefits is necessary as farming community who have been feeding millions are only perceived as “givers” and not receivers of the benefits of “carbon compensatory mechanism” .
