ANNOUNC EMENT AND CALL FOR POSTERS:   Join us next Spring 31 March - 3 April, 2019 at the University of Arizona, Tucson AZ, USA for a "firs...

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ANNOUNC EMENT AND CALL FOR POSTERS:   Join us next Spring 31 March - 3 April, 2019 at the University of Arizona, Tucson AZ, USA for a "first-of-kind" international conference focused on small-molecule discovery and design for controlling biofilm development, especially biofilms that adversely impact water treatment systems, such as membrane processes used for desalination and water reuse applications. Sixteen exemplary speakers from around the globe, who are recognized as leaders in their respective disciplines, will gather on the campus of the University of Arizona, Tucson USA to highlight the latest advancements in the science and technology lying at the intersection of membrane separations, materials science, chemical discovery and microbial biofilms. This seminal conference is open to scientists, researchers, students, engineers, utility managers and others interested in learning about next-generation approaches and technologies for discovering and engineering novel and environmentally compatible chemistries for controlling biofilms in municipal and industrial applications. "Early-Bird" registration is open through 30 November 2018 and attendance is limited , so please consider reserving early to guarantee your space and realize significant savings. We look forward to meeting you in Tucson!
