We are honored and splendid to share that in the Global Ranking of Smart Water Magazine, Spain for September, 2023, we’ve Ranked 2nd and happe...

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We are honored and splendid to share that in the Global Ranking of Smart Water Magazine, Spain for September, 2023, we’ve Ranked 2nd and happe...
We are honored and splendid to share that in the Global Ranking of Smart Water Magazine, Spain for September, 2023, we’ve Ranked 2nd and happened to be the only Bharteeya amongst the Top 20 authors in the list. Moreover, we’ve also been the only consistent Indian featuring in top 10 since 2020. Thanks a lot to all the viewer and readers, who have been going through our articles and appreciating us, it’s all because of you that we’ve made it to the list, your appreciation has been our most valued earning for all these years.
