Taknik Inc Wastewater treatment involves physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove contaminants and produce environmentally safe tr...

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Taknik Inc Wastewater treatment involves physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove contaminants and produce environmentally safe tr...
Taknik Inc Wastewater treatment involves physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove contaminants and produce environmentally safe treated wastewater. Here are the basic characteristics of each type of treatment:
Physical Treatment:
Physical treatment methods remove solids and large particles through mechanical means.
1. Screening:
*Removes large debris such as sticks, rags, and plastics.
*Typically the first step in wastewater treatment.
2. Grit Removal:
*Removes sand, gravel, and other heavy particles.
*Prevents damage to downstream equipment.
3. Sedimentation:
*Settles out suspended solids by gravity in sedimentation tanks or clarifier tank
*Sludge is collected from the bottom of the tanks.
Chemical Treatment:
Chemical treatment involves adding chemicals to the wastewater to facilitate the removal of contaminants.
1. Coagulation and Flocculation:
*Chemicals (coagulants) are added to destabilize suspended particles.
*Flocculants cause small particles to clump together into larger aggregates (flocs) that can be more easily removed.
2. Disinfection:
*Chemicals such as chlorine, ozone, or UV light are used to kill or deactivate pathogens.
*Ensures that the treated water is safe for discharge or reuse.
3. pH Adjustment:
*Chemicals such as lime or sulfuric acid are added to adjust the pH of the wastewater.
*Important for optimizing other treatment processes and protecting the environment.
Biological Treatment:
Biological treatment uses microorganisms to degrade organic matter and nutrients in the wastewater.
1. Activated Sludge Process:
*Aeration tanks are used to mix wastewater with a microbial culture (activated sludge).
*Microorganisms consume organic matter, converting it into biomass and carbon dioxide.
2. Trickling Filters:
*Wastewater is distributed over a bed of media where microorganisms form a biofilm.
*As the wastewater passes through the media, the microorganisms degrade organic matter.
4. Anaerobic Digestion:
*Decomposes organic matter in the absence of oxygen, producing bio gas (methane and carbon dioxide).
*Used for sludge treatment and to reduce the volume of organic waste.
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