Yesterday, we got an opportunity to talk in the UN initiative of Climate Action and Education Forum 2024, on the Theme: "Harnessing Art and Comm...

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Yesterday, we got an opportunity to talk in the UN initiative of Climate Action and Education Forum 2024, on the Theme: "Harnessing Art and Comm...
Yesterday, we got an opportunity to talk in the UN initiative of Climate Action and Education Forum 2024, on the Theme: "Harnessing Art and Communication for Climate Education to Alleviate Extreme Poverty”. The event started 15:00 UTC / 2015 hours IST. Ours was the Session 2: Communicating Climate Science to Diverse Audiences, started at 16:45 UTC/ 2215 hours. It was a wonderful experience to give a talk in a UN organized global summit, with a diverse audience from 6 continents (because, we didn’t see anyone from Australia / Oceania). There was huge audience from Africa, Asia, EU, US and South America. And the same was our topic of discussion too. In case if you missed join the session, the YouTube live streaming was done, and the same is available on the following link -
Enjoy the session, do share your response, like, comment and if you find it relevant enough, do share in your circles. Your opinion, insights and opinions, help us improve, so please do share your feedback.

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