I have invented "Pitcher Drip Irrigation" so that irrigation scheduling is controlled by the actual water demand of the crop.The Pitcher Drip Ir...
Published on by Bernie Omodei, Owner at Measured Irrigation
The Pitcher Drip Irrigation Controller and Pitcher may be purchased from the Measured Irrigation website https://www.measuredirrigation.com/product-page/clay-pot-irrigation-valve
I have published on YouTube two versions of Pitcher Drip Irrigation:
Pitcher Drip Irrigation version 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIXI3nRt6zs&t=46s&ab_channel=DrBernieOmodei
Pitcher Drip Irrigation version 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmsz5zvCx68&t=74s&ab_channel=DrBernieOmodei
The complete documentation for Pitcher Drip Irrigation can be donloaded from the Measured Irrigation website.
Warm regards