Can Artificial Intelligence and IoT Feed the Planet’s Growing Population?

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Can Artificial Intelligence and IoT Feed the Planet’s Growing Population?

Do you think that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will improve irrigation efficiency and help the world reduce its water use? Please read the article and comment below.

Also, ConserWater, mentioned in the article, is currently offering pilot program trials of its AI technology to help farmers reduce water use cost-effectively. If you are interested in learning more about ConserWater, please message me or comment “ConserWater” below.


The world is headed toward a major crisis, and it’s not the AI apocalypse. By 2050, the planet’s human population will reach beyond 9 billion, requiring food production to double in order to meet its growing needs. Meanwhile, parameters such as global warming and and the urbanization of life is making it harder to increase crop growth.

While industrial revolutions and technological advances in previous centuries enabled us to tap into (what seemed at the time) the infinite resources of the planet, this time around we’re dealing with a scarcity in land to cultivate and volatility in weather and water.

Technological advances in artificial intelligence and Internet of Things might help us move toward a solution. Here’s how AI can make more efficient and productive use of what resources we have available.

Read full article: The Next Web

