Israel to Cooperate with Indian Villages in Water Management
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Government
After having partnered withRajasthan government in the agriculture sector, Israel islooking forward to help the state in the field of watermanagement
"Israel is having discussions with the Rajasthangovernment on expanding partnership in areas of watermanagement, post harvesting and tourism," Israel embassyspokesperson, Ohad Horsandi told PTI here.
Israel that has similar climatic conditions as Rajasthan,will replicate its own success model of harnessing waterresources, in the state.
"Nearly 80 per cent of the water used in agriculture istreated and re-cycled water.
People in Israel use every dropof water twice.
The use of water technologies cansignificantly improve water saving and this is very importantfor a state like Rajasthan which faces acute water shortage.
"Israel and Rajasthan face similar crisis.
But Israelused the holistic water management approach utilisingtechnology and Rajasthan can also do it," Horsandi said.
Israel has started three Centres of Excellence in Bassi(Jaipur), Kota and Jaisalmer which are at different stages ofdevelopment, and may be utilised for water management.
"We are also enhancing our cooperation in tourism becauseIndia is a key destination for people of Israel," thespokesman said.
Horsandi said that Israel has also invited the stateauthorities to an exhibition of water technologies called'Watec Israel-2015' which will be held in Israel in Octoberthis year where top companies will exhibit their technologies.
Advanced irrigation system, water solutions,desalination, leakage control, waste water treatment, watersaving devices, water security, waste water projects and othertechnologies will be displayed in the event, he added.
Source: Niti Central
- Water Treatment & Control
- Water Management
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