Meet The Inspiring 18-Year-Old Who Built A Simple Water Purifier That Could Save Lives

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Meet The Inspiring 18-Year-Old Who Built A Simple Water Purifier That Could Save Lives

If you're worried about the state of the planet, fear not. The next generation has it covered.

Meet Meghan Shea, an 18-year-old from West Chester, Pennsylvania. Working largely on her own, she's come up with a cheap, effective water filter that could be a help to millions of people, if developed fully. It's the sort of thing that makes you feel better about the future.

Two summers ago, Shea was on a summer science fellowship at Texas Tech University. She was supposed to be working with a microbiologist professor. But he was too busy, and she was sent off to work on her own, with the vague mission of looking into "water purification." Shea started reading aboutmoringa oleifera, a commonly occurring tropical tree. Moringa seeds had beenidentifiedas a possible low-cost purification material, but never really developed seriously.

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