The problem of applying of RO for the preparation of feed water for steam boilers |

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The problem of applying of RO for the preparation of feed water for steam boilers |

The use of reverse osmosis for water desalination technology for low-pressure steam boilers is currently being increasingly used. The main advantage of such water treatment systems is that there is no need for continuous purging of steam boilers and steam condensate has a low corrosion activity.

The value of continuous purging of steam boilers is determined by the value of the salt content of feed water. The higher the salt content of feed water, the higher the value of continuous purging of steam boilers and the higher the gas overspend. Since reverse osmosis desalts water, the value of continuous purging, as a rule, is lower than 1% of the boiler's steam capacity and, accordingly, can be provided by periodic purging of the steam boiler.  

The second important feature of the application of reverse osmosis is the low content of carbon dioxide in the return condensate.

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