Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Jobs

Published on by in Business

Are you looking for a job in WASH sector? We have created a list of organisations which offer jobs, to help you find a job of your dreams.

Name Website link
United Nations Organisations
UN Jobs www.unjobs.org
United Nations Development Program www.jobs.undp.org
UNICEF www.unicef.org
United Nations Environment Program www.unep.org
World Health Organization www.who.int
Food and Agriculture Organization www.fao.org
UN Water www.unwater.org
Government Organisation
USA Jobs www.usajobs.gov
US Agency for International Dev www.usaid.gov
CDC – Safe Water www.cdc.gov/safewater/
National Institute of Health www.nih.gov
DFID http://bit.ly/2gIguKu
International NGOs
The Access Initiative www.joblist.wri.org
IRC http://www.ircwash.org/home
FHI 360 www.fhi360.org
Save the Children www.savethechildren.org
Oxfam www.oxfam.org
International Water Management Ins www.iwmi.cgiar.org
IRC www.ircwash.org
PATH www.path.org
Action Against Hunger www.actionagainsthunger.org
World Vision www.worldvision.org
WaterAid www.wateraid.org
Water.org www.water.org
International Relief and Development www.ird.org
Population Services International www.psi.org
Mercy Corps www.mercycorps.org
Relief International www.ri.org
Water For People www.waterforpeople.org
Charity Water www.charitywater.org
Global Poverty Project www.globalpovertyproject.com
FACE Africa www.faceafrica.org
Plan International  https://plan-international.org/
End Water Poverty www.endwaterpoverty.org
Faith Based Org
Lutheran World Relief www.lwr.org
MedAir www.relief.medair.org
Catholic Relief Services www.crs.org
Living Water International www.water.cc
Bill Gates and Melinda Gates Foundation www.gatesfoundation.org
Coca-Cola Foundation www.coca-colacompany.com
PepsiCo www.pepsico.com
Howard G. Buffet Foundation http://bit.ly/2gjOArL
Skoll Foundation www.skollfoundation.org
Clinton Foundation www.clintonfoundation.org
Alcoa Foundation http://www.alcoa.com
Pentair foundation http://bit.ly/2gjF4Fh
Stewardship Foundation http://stewardshipfdn.org/
Stone Family Foundation http://www.thesff.com/
Dow Foundation http://www.dow.com
Universities Research Org  
UNESCO IHE https://www.unesco-ihe.org/
Twente University https://www.utwente.nl
The Institute of Development Studies http://www.ids.ac.uk
Water Institute http://waterinstitute.unc.edu/
EAWAG http://www.eawag.ch/en/
Job Search Engines
The Water Network  https://thewaternetwork.com/
Devex www.devnetjobs.org
Idealist www.idealist.org
Jobs 4 Development www.jobs4development.com
Devnet www.devnetjobs.org
African Development Jobs www.africandevjobs.com
Global Jobs www.globaljobs.org
