A Different Approach: School-Led Total Sanitation - Part 2

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In part 1 I gave a brief introduction into what SLTS is and its objectives as well as talking about the different components of SLTS. If you missed part 1 you can read ithere. Today I'm going to write about the strategy used for SLTS. One thing that I wanted to say, and that I may have mentioned last time, is that I'm not entirely in agreement about some of the strategy used with SLTS. Basically, the SLTS strategy is centered on shaming people into giving up open defecation. While this methodology has been successful in the past, I have a problem with making people feel bad about themselves in order to change their behavior. Why should someone who's been practicing open defecation all their lives because they haven't had access to proper sanitation facilities be made to feel bad because of this action? Yes, it's not healthy, but these people aren't doing anything morally wrong, and I think it's wrong to make them feel bad about it instead of educating them in order to get them to change. Saying that, even if you take that aspect out there are still a lot of good parts within SLTS that can be used to establish open defecation free zones.

There are six different parts to the strategy behind SLTS. Because SLTS is a participatory program the strategy is based on getting the community involved and mobilized to make some real change within their community. So let' look at the different parts.

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