A Review on Traditional Water Purification Methods Used in Rural Area

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A Review on Traditional Water Purification Methods Used in Rural Area

A safe and convenient water supply plays a vital role in public health and well being of the society. There are numerous conventional water treatment technologies available in rural areas of developing countries. The rural communities have adopted some simple rudimentary water treatment technique that can serve individual household. Basically all such techniques aim to remove suspended impurities from water. There are also some traditional household techniques to remove specific water pollutant. Traditional water purification methods include boiling, filtration, sedimentation and solar radiation. Water borne diseases are more common in rural community where potable water supply coverage is very low. The boiling method was the most efficient giving 100 % decontamination after three minutes of boiling. Boiling and solar methods were found to be suitable for purifying domestic water in the rural areas. However, solar method being simple, practicable and cheap is, therefore, recommended for use in the rural communities. This paper contains traditional and household techniques that are widely used in rural areas.

Sadhana Chaurasia 

Article (PDF Available) in Indian Journal of Environmental Protection
36(1):43-48 · January 2016
