Advanced Biological Nutrient Recovery (ABNR) technology.

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Advanced Biological Nutrient Recovery (ABNR) technology.


CLEARAS delivers a sustainable, low-carbon wastewater treatment solution that recovers nutrients and transforms waste to value for customers and partners. Through the unique application of biomimicry, ABNR™ leverages nature’s time-tested patterns of nutrient recovery by taking the problem (algae blooms) and turning it into the solution.

As a bolt-on solution to existing infrastructure, ABNR™ manages and controls the relationship between mechanical and biological processes in a continuous flow environment to recover phosphorus, nitrogen and other contaminants prior to discharge. The problem is the solution.

ABNR™ is a sustainable and regenerative approach to nutrient treatment. It achieves best-in-class water quality, is modular and scalable, and produces a plant-based biomaterial co-product. That co-product is upcycled into diversified and growing markets including plastics, foams, feeds, and soil enhancements. Customers benefit from a residual income stream created from the sale and upcycling of this valuable plant-based biomaterial.

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