Norditube Iberica

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Norditube Iberica


DRENOLOC is designed for drainage applications. As both is possible, perforations on the entire surface of the pipe (360°) or only a sectional perforation with a defined angle. The pipe may be adapted to customer’s requirements, with 360° perforations, or only in preferred locations in the pipe.

STORM TANK The advantages of the storm tanks made by NordiTube Ibérica compared with traditional concrete tanks are significant: PVC is completely inert, watertight, lasting, lightweight, resistant and has a low friction coefficient, can therefore be cleaned easily. Due to its chemical inertness, it resists to drain water and has an increased durability compared to concrete tanks. The STORM tanks are tailored to the requirements of each client and have a high modularity. If necessary, the tanks may even be added on to at a later stage to increase capacity. 

SPECIAL PARTS NordiTube Ibérica offers all types of shafts, connections, elbows, etc. that might be required on site. These special parts are manufactured in all diameters and are optimized for NordiTube Ibérica systems. The lightweight nature of the NordiTube Ibérica products, along with the easy and simplicity of transport, assembly and installation, make these solutions highly cost effective.

