Simplifying Artificial Intelligence for Real World Applications

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Simplifying Artificial Intelligence for Real World Applications

UnifAI exists to make artificial intelligence accessible to everyone.

To achieve this, we have created intuitive tools that make it easier to access and integrate new and existing data, and apply a range of artificial intelligence tools to unlock new insights and to improve outcomes.

Our Core Technologies, DAVE and ANNA, make it easy to run artificial intelligence projects without the need for advanced data science skills, in a way that reduces time and cost, and increases the likelihood of success. 

​Most AI projects fail due to complexity, a lack of data strategy or an inability to deploy easily and at scale.  We solve those problems.

Our tools help you to:

​In addition to providing our tools for projects and enterprise use, we create commoditised products which use AI to help improve the health and wellbeing of people, the environment and infrastructure.

