Using Ozone treatment to reduce COD levels

Published on by in Technology

What are the pros and cons of using Ozone treatment to reduce waste water COD levels prior to introduction into a Waste Water Treatment Plant?

We are looking to reduce the COD levels of grease trap waste following solids and FOG separation and removal.

We would like to investigate using Ozone to eliminate microbes and bacteria present in the waste water prior to release into the works. This would allow the microbes in the works to start work digesting the residual organic matter. Although most large matter has been screened prior to release.

Alternatively we have looked at dosing the wastewater with microbes prior to release into the works. However there are concerns that over time, the microbes we introduce will take over the waste water treatment works microbes and throw the system out.

If anyone has any experience in this we would greatly appreciate their advice.


