Unscientific dredging of rivers and tributaries
Published on by Yogesh Agrawal, Director (retired), Minor irrigation schemes, Water Resources Department at Govt of Rajasthan in Government
The dredging of river bed, dam reservoirs, etc may have adverse effect on availability and storage of water. In eighties, in Bundi city of Rajasthan a dam reservoir bed was dredged to have more storage. But dredging caused the depletion of the dam reservoir just after rains. The dredging actually removed the clay bed of the reservoir resulting in porous bed and ultimately all the water of the dam reservoir leaked and there was no water left in dam submergence after rainy season i.e. in the month of October. People even engineers without thinking and analyzing the problem, starts copying the things which may be dangerous. I have dealt with this problem of River Rejuvenation in detail in my paper titled Preservation of water resources and their proper utilization available at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7OEEuzHbopKUWRSQ3JCTUR6dWM . Anybody can view and download. If you have any problem , please write to me at yagrawal@bsnl.in . I wonder that without removing obstructions in free flow of water in rivers and their all the tributaries, how any river can be Rejuvenated. How only dredging can rejuvenate a river ? This practice of river rejuvenation by dredging is incorrect and needs to be stopped immediately. It is a pure wastage of resources without any benefits. It will cause a long term damage to the river flow.
The mismanagement of water resources in Maharashtra and other states is the real reason of present harsh scarcity of drinking water in Latur and other areas of India. I wonder why the Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India is sleeping and why it is not issuing proper guidelines to the states how to combat with such a harsh water scarcity? Or it looks that the Ministry of Water Resources, Govt of India do not have adequate knowledge to deal with such situations.
- River Widening
- India