Why Modernize Water Data Management?

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Why Modernize Water Data Management?

A new guide “5 Reasons to Modernize Water Data Management” written for government decision makers with oversight for water resource monitoring by Aquatic Informatics.


This new guide describes 5 ways you can benefit from using AQUARIUS:

  1. Water knowledge reduces real risks.
  2. 50% efficiency gains boost professional productivity.
  3. Real-time insights support wise water resource decisions.
  4. High-quality data builds trust in your agency.
  5. A modern, intuitive solution attracts top talent.

AQUARIUS enabled consistent processes and procedures to be replicated state-wide to manage sampling workflow, collection of field data, and integration of laboratory results.

Furthermore, consistency with data management facilitated reporting of drinking water, wastewater, and groundwater data to staff, improving efficiency, and accuracy in monitoring performance of assets and making water management decisions.

Read the guidelines here 

